10 Modules

Prologue - Setting the Scene

How to approach these lessons for the greatest benefit.

Your Desire - The Heart of it All

A critical step in identifying your why is understanding that you're being driven by a need that hasn't been filled yet.

This module helps you identify that need.

The Inciting Event - Your Dark Moment

In every story, there's an event that sets our hero on the path to adventure.

In real life that event might look like years of abuse at the hands of a parent, a single life defining trauma or a choice whose repercussions came to haunt you ever since it was made.

In this lesson, we look at the dark side of events in order to find the inciting event that set you on your way.

The Revelation - Your Brightest Moment

The most inspirational stories are when the light is contrasted against the dark...when the triumph is measured against the obstacles.

In this module, we turn to the light that has burned brightest in your life.

The Dark Night of the Soul

This module helps you reframe your darkest moment into the beginning of your greatest success.

The Emergence

In this module and lesson we take a look on how the brightest side of your experiences can overpower your darkest moment so you can begin to be replicate your success.

The Journey Home - Using What You've Learned

In this module and lesson, we wrap up everything we've covered so far.

The Why Within - Unveiling Purpose Through Personal Narratives

Give Your Life A Sense Of Purpose And Meaning By Living Your Purpose

Do you want to make a difference in the world, but you're not quite sure how to contribute?

Is there a nagging feeling inside you that you have a responsibility towards a purpose that's bigger than you, but you're not sure where to even begin looking for it?

To find a meaningful answer to these questions, most experts will point you towards your Why. There's a reason for this.

Understanding your why is like understanding the theme of your life. It becomes a unifying factor for your beliefs, your interests, and provides insights into all of your relationships.

Yes, all of them. How you show up as a significant other, friend, parent, child, and sibling. It all comes back to your why and that why is embedded in your stories.

Think about it. Have you ever considered that your willingness to ask a person on a date that you’re interested in, or your confidence in applying for your dream job is all tied to the stories you’re telling yourself about the situation?

And those stories? Well, they’re governed by your reactions to your Inciting Incidents, Dark Nights of Your Soul, and the Revelations they taught you about your place in the world.

It took me years of private coaching, therapy, studying neuroscience, and storytelling to make sense of how the building blocks for movies and books can apply to how we directly interpret our lives, but I did it.

You see the frameworks for the stories that move us the most, are based on how we, as humans, best absorb the meaning behind the tales we're being told.

That's why I created The Why Within - Unveiling Purpose Through Personal Narratives. I use the frameworks of great storytelling to guide you through a process where you uncover the relationships between the stories you've lived so that you can take action on the wisdom you've gained.

All of the answers are inside you. But like with any great story, there's a sequence that must be followed for you to best grasp the theme and deeply connect with your Why and your purpose.

Join me inside The Why Within - Unveiling Purpose Through Personal Narratives and discover a new depth to the way you view and live your life.

With this program, you'll set yourself up to:

  • Live a life based on your unique purpose. This doesn't only provide you motivation even when times are tough, it increases your overall joy with the things you hold dear.
  • How to rediscover your “Why” and start living in alignment with your highest self as you evolve.
  • Create a consistent voice that attracts kindred spirits, not just customers.
  • Use your stories to connect with your community whether face to face or through interviews and podcasts. 

Click the order button below to tap into the power of purpose. Unlock your full potential and start living your ultimate dreams and desires.

This is for you if:

This is NOT for you if:

  • You know that life is meant to be more
  • You want to develop self-confidence and a success identity
  • You’re ready to let go of past baggage and pain that no longer serves you
  • You’re ready to unleash your potential
  • You can afford this course without putting a strain on your finances
  • You understand that finding your Why is a process that you don’t figure out in a single day (This is a framework, not a magic bullet)
  • You honor and respect boundaries
  • You commit to doing the work and taking full responsibility for your success
  • You CANNOT afford to pay for this course and still pay your bills
  • You expect to think your way to your Why without taking action
  • You think this course will replace the need of a therapist 
  • You require 1:1 handholding and guidance
  • You don’t respect boundaries

If all this sounds like a good fit for you, Join The Why Within - Unveiling Purpose Through Personal Narratives!

Modules for this product 10

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 The Why Within - Unveiling Purpose Through Personal Narratives
 $97.00 USD
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 $997.00 USD

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